Yesterday, Fed Chairman Powell spoke and revealed a key point:

The Fed does not need the inflation rate to be lower than 2% before cutting interest rates, which is an implicit positive.

The Fed previously emphasized that it must reach an inflation rate of 2% before it starts to cut interest rates.

The CPI will be released at 8:30 tonight. Higher than expected is bearish, and lower than expected is positive.

Yesterday, BTC's spot ETF continued to flow in more than $100 million to buy the bottom.

It seems to be a positive, but the old saying is still true:

It will definitely rise in the long run because the Fed is about to cut interest rates.

However, the German government is selling coins, and the 140,000 BTC wallets in Mentougou have started large-scale transfers again.

These are all unstable factors.

So don't open a position now. If you enter the market, set a stop loss and try to enter the market with a small position.

Leave yourself some room.

July-August is not as simple as imagined.

The battle of the Mentougou crisis is not over yet, so you have to hold the currency and be patient.

#CPI数据 #美联储何时降息?