In the ocean of capital markets, financial markets are often ultimately controlled by a group of financial experts. Although blockchain is based on decentralization, the crypto market will not be able to escape this trend in the short term. However, this does not mean that everything is fixed. If the crypto market really becomes another stock market, whether it is good or bad depends on whether you can find your own treasure in this game.

Institutions are good at manipulating market sentiment, while ordinary people are often carried away by this wave. Recently, news such as MtGox compensation and the German government selling coins have made the market panic, and the price of Bitcoin has been jumping on a trampoline. Some retail investors are so scared that they quickly sell their coins when they see the big players taking action.

We must understand that investment is not blindly following the trend, but requires strategy. How can we gain something in the crypto world? In short, there are two points: manage your wallet and understand the pulse of the market.

First of all, investing is a marathon, not a 100-meter sprint. You have to be patient and don't expect to make a lot of money in a few days or hours. Manage your positions well, use a simple DCA strategy, accumulate slowly, and you can often surpass most people.

Of course, everyone dreams of getting rich overnight, but don’t forget to think calmly first. If you really want to try your luck, use a small amount of money (for example, no more than 10%) to feel the ups and downs of the market. Remember to review and summarize, and don’t jump in headfirst.

What should we do with the market now? Actually, it is not difficult:

1. If you are not in a hurry to use the money, are optimistic about Bitcoin in the long term, and think it can rise to more than $100,000, then be patient and don't be dazzled by short-term fluctuations.

2. If you think you are a trading expert and have unique secrets, then you can operate flexibly within the appropriate range and make money whether the price goes up or down.

3. If you like to go by your feelings, that's fine, but be careful not to become a "bullshit" who "chase the ups and downs". Take action when you see the news, but remember to set stop loss and take profit, don't let yourself get too deep.

Finally, remember that the market is always unpredictable and there is no 100% secret to making money. It is most important to manage your positions and make plans according to your own situation. The cycle can be as long or short as you want, the key is to find a rhythm that suits you.


After the price hunted upwards to 58500, the structure was destroyed. If it fell back, pay attention to the buying opportunities in the H1 demand area below 55100-54200! The release of CPI data in the evening will bring fluctuations. If it is positive, it will continue to rebound upward, and if it is negative, it may continue to fall!


The price has rebounded to the 3170 given in the daily report on July 8, forming pressure, but the H1 broke through 3081, forming a structural destruction, and the retracement pays attention to the buying opportunities of 2900-2840. If the CPI and ETF show the expected positive, the price will stand above 3170, and the target will be 3430-3520. Otherwise, there is also the probability of a third inertial decline.

The information and data involved in this content are derived from publicly available materials, and we strive to be accurate and reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information. The content does not constitute any investment advice, and you are solely responsible for investing based on it!