Last night, I had tea and chatted with a big cryptocurrency trader. He summarized the following points. You must read them! It will be very inspiring to you! ! !

1. Leave when you make a lot of money, calm down and rest, or travel around the world to relax! ! ! !

2. If the continuous loss exceeds 10%, be sure to find out the reason for the loss to avoid getting stuck in the quagmire.

3. If you are doing short-term trading, don't trade if there is ambiguity. Such opportunities are most likely to lose money.

4. Don't follow up if the increase exceeds 50%. Such opportunities are often traps. It is easy to get stuck when buying.

5. After a continuous surge, don't be jealous of the high volume. It is usually a trap. Control your emotions and don't buy.

6. Buy low when weak, and buy when strong.

7. Don't add positions without understanding the situation and without 90% certainty. It is safe to build positions in batches at low levels.

8. Operate the currency you want to buy in a familiar mode to make risk-free money!

9. Do not trade in the weekly callback to avoid heavy losses due to early intervention. Therefore, as an investor, while pursuing high returns, you must carefully assess the risks and invest rationally. Follow me on the homepage, and I will share the bull market layout strategy for free every day! ! #德国政府转移比特币 #TON #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划