The U.S. CPI data to be released this Thursday will undoubtedly become the focus of financial markets. Its importance is self-evident, because it is directly related to the Federal Reserve’s decision to adjust monetary policy in the second half of 2024, especially the path of interest rate cuts. Recently, with the non-farm employment data and the unemployment rate released last Friday remaining stable, the market generally expects that the Federal Reserve will implement two interest rate cuts in 2024, and this expectation has reached 100%.

Based on the current market consensus, we can reasonably speculate: First, the market generally does not believe that this Thursday’s CPI data will reveal a significant increase in inflationary pressure; second, the expectation of an interest rate cut in 2024 is quite solid, injecting a boost of confidence into the market Needle.

In this context, for the cryptocurrency market, especially Bitcoin (the big pie), once it breaks through the current consolidation range, it is very likely to usher in a new round of rising prices. As retail investors, how should we seize this opportunity?

Strategically, we recommend that before the interest rate cut policy is officially implemented, we continue to adopt a flexible sell high and buy low strategy, that is, moderately reduce positions at high points to lock in profits, and actively absorb chips at low points to cope with short-term market fluctuations. When the Federal Reserve officially launches the interest rate cut cycle, it will be a clear signal that we will fully shift to long positions with the trend. At that time, we should decisively add positions to grasp the main trend of the market rise.

In order to more accurately lay out the subsequent major trends, whether it is short-term, medium-term or long-term investment, we sincerely invite investors with high execution ability and market insight to join us. In view of limited energy, interested friends please contact me by following my homepage #比特币行情 #以太坊ETF通过 #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 $BTC $ETH