In my opinion, the so-called liquidation selling pressure from various governments actually has limited impact, and is more of a market sentiment material used by short sellers. Just like there is no fish in Yuxiang pork shreds, no husband and wife in Husband and Wife Cake, there is no wife, what the media promotes may not be what it says.

This round of bull market came too early, similar to getting up too quickly and getting dizzy, which may cause you to fall if you are not careful. In the field of cryptocurrency, only those who dare to take risks and face risks can survive in the market and laugh to the end.

The idea that quick victory theory is that you can make money quickly by entering the market is naive. On the contrary, the surrender theory believes that this round of bull market will end early if it starts early, for example, it will end by the end of 2024, which is also absurd.

Even more absurd is that those who hold the surrender theory believe that the Federal Reserve may cut interest rates in the second half of the year, which will cause the market to collapse and end the bull market. However, the Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates for the past two years but has failed to end the bull market. If it turns to loose policies and restarts quantitative easing, will it really end the bull market instead of promoting a more violent rise?

We must resist the fantasy of the quick victory theory and criticize the absurdity of the surrender theory. The only wise thing to do is to stick to a long-term strategy. #区块链 #币圈