The market has recently shown a correction trend, and the main funds seem to cleverly use various news factors to intensify market volatility and panic. The deep meaning behind it is intriguing.

This move is undoubtedly a carefully planned move, intending to create a tense atmosphere to make the majority of retail investors believe that the market is about to usher in a deeper adjustment, thereby shaking their confidence in holding shares and even inducing them to sell their chips in advance.

It is not difficult to find that whenever there is news, the main force will follow the trend and let the market show a short-term downward trend. This series of actions is actually weaving a complex psychological network, making retail investors full of worries and uncertainties about the future trend of the market.

Retail investors began to worry about whether the market will continue to be under pressure, fear potential large-scale sell-offs, and even worry about the subsequent impact of certain events that may cause a market crash.

However, all this may just be a "smoke bomb" carefully planned by the main funds. They cleverly use information asymmetry to manipulate market sentiment, so that retail investors only see the side they hope to show.

Its ultimate goal is to quietly complete its strategic layout when retail investors are leaving and the market seems to be in a mess. When the time is right, it will suddenly exert its strength at a moment that is not noticed by most people, giving an unexpected counterattack to those investors who blindly follow the market panic.

Therefore, in the face of market fluctuations and complex news, we should remain calm and rational, and not be easily swayed by market sentiment.

Remember, the market is always full of variables, and the real opportunities are often hidden in places that most people have never noticed.

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