The summary of important news in the morning is as follows:

1. At 8:30 tonight, the United States will release CPI data, which may have a significant impact on the market. Positive data may trigger a direct rise in the market, while negative data may cause the market to bottom out again. We need to pay close attention to this news.

2. RNDR brand reshaping, a proposal initiated by Pundix, aims to improve brand image and market acceptance.

3. Microsoft and Apple's abandonment of observer seats on the OpenAI board of directors may have a negative impact on WLD. Considering the daily unlocking volume of millions of coins, WLD faces continued selling pressure and is expected to eventually fall below $1.

4. SEI's V2 parallel test network EVM has officially opened.

5. The German government transferred out 5,100 BTC again yesterday, of which 750 were transferred to the Kraken address.

6. Portal will make a major announcement on July 11.

7. The EOS Network Foundation announced that the Spring 1.0 hard fork is expected to take place on September 25.

8. The World Coin Foundation announced an extension of the one-year reservation period.

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