At 8:30 tomorrow, there will be another heavy CPI data! Recently, the Wall Street Journal, the mouthpiece of the Federal Reserve, has hinted that Powell expects the pace of interest rate cuts to be imminent, especially the phenomenon that employment data has begun to gradually deteriorate. In addition to employment data, another factor that determines the expectation of interest rate cuts is CPI inflation data. I am personally optimistic about tomorrow's CPI data.

1. Crude oil prices and natural gas prices are currently stable and declining.

2. The food inflation rate has dropped from the high of 11% in 2020 to about 2% now, which is also stable and declining, and is at a low point.

3. The core CPI data has dropped to a new low in 4 years. 4. In terms of housing, the cost of renting a house has become a seller's market as employment data deteriorates and the number of full-time employees decreases. Summary: Tomorrow's CPI is likely to be positive, which is conducive to the implementation of interest rate cut expectations! Positive #BTC!