$BTC How the long-term hamsters held Bitcoin, it’s a pity they haven’t been wearing panties for a long time, but that’s not the point.

We fall and fall, and at any rollback the hamsters scream Tuzemun 100k - tomorrow, it’s a pity then they disappear, where it’s not clear, they’re probably going to the store over their panties. Because they lost theirs a long time ago. The falling trend is associated with the Fed rate, until it is lowered, we will not go up. And the situation is such that we may even see not a reduction, but an increase in rates by the end of the year. Inflation, stagnation, government debt, elections, all this has a bad effect on the economy, because they only do well in words, but if you look at the indices, data on unemployment, on the payment of mortgages, loans, etc. The picture there is depressing. We live in a very unstable world, and we trade even more unstable BTC, which has a correlation with the US economy. Opinion regarding the drain of BTC by the Germans, they understand that the trend is down, payments will soon be made on the collapsed exchange, we will steadily go down with small pullbacks, Germany just wants to sell at an adequate market price, before a larger drain of BTC. On the other hand, everyone sees how ETFs are being bought back. This reminds me of the story about the bottom, buy the first bottom and get the second one for free.