In the turbulent cryptocurrency market, every bull market is accompanied by countless ups and downs. Looking back at the past 17-cycle bull market and 20-cycle bull market, it is not difficult to find that those brilliant rises were not achieved overnight, but were interspersed with several thrilling mid-course adjustments. These adjustments, like spring rain, moisten things silently, accumulating strength for the subsequent strong rise. Today, let us explore why this wash is particularly extreme and the deep logic behind it.

1. The boiling point and decline of market sentiment

When the market enters a bull market mode, investors' emotions tend to rise accordingly, as if every inch of the air is filled with optimism and expectation. This surge in emotions undoubtedly provides a strong impetus for the further rise of the market. However, just as the tide rises and falls, market sentiment cannot always remain above the boiling point. When the market is overly enthusiastic, investors flock in, and stock prices are pushed to high levels, a profound adjustment becomes inevitable. This wash is the process of market sentiment returning from the boiling point to rationality. Although extreme, it is also an indispensable part of the bull market cycle.

This time the market has risen a lot, so it needs to be adjusted back. As long as the bull market has not gone, we can buy the bottom in batches and look at the long-term. #美联储何时降息? #ASI代币合并计划 #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC