After the Bitcoin ETF was approved, the logic of the currency circle has changed. Previously, only retail investors and whales bought Bitcoin. After the whales bought Bitcoin, they would put it on the exchange to control the market and reap the profits from retail investors. Now, the old money from Wall Street comes in and buys Bitcoin, but they cannot trade it at will after buying it, resulting in a decreasing number of Bitcoins in circulation, less than 1.8 million. Next, the national teams of other countries will come on the scene, and the competition at this time is not about price but pricing power.

It's like you have the only two stamps in the world, one of which can be sold for 1 million. If you burn one now, the remaining one may be worth 10 million.

So the current price is not a problem for those who want to compete for Bitcoin pricing. How much is Bitcoin worth? Only $1.2 trillion. Look at how much the Seven Sisters of the US stock market are worth now.

This is one aspect. The second aspect is that the previous way of speculating in cryptocurrencies is no longer useful in the current round. A friend once asked me, many investors used to hold a lot of BTC°, including many people in the grassroots era who held a large amount of assets, so why should Wall Street carry them? It should be dumping the market to make them leave, and then Wall Street absorbs the low-priced chips. The drama is enough, and the market should be pulled up after the market is cleaned up. Isn’t it stupid to do this now? I believe this problem is not an isolated case. This is still the idea in 2017, as well as the idea of ​​ALT. I have been telling everyone to take a look at the history of gold, the history of US stocks, and the trends of high-quality US stocks such as Apple when they are free. In fact, you can know that for Wall Street, how much money to enter the market is not the most important thing, and relying on low prices may not necessarily squeeze people out. The most likely to be squeezed out are some retail investors and leveraged investors. Instead, the chips needed to lower the price may be taken away by competitors.

This idea is very important, and it is likely to be the focus after 2024.

To put it another way, whether it is Xu Mingxing, Wu Jihan, CZ, Sun Ge, Shenyu or Tether, Circle,

MicroStrategy, El Salvador, no matter how much these big investors hold, can a price cut force them to leave?######