[Curve Finance Breach: Arbitrage Laundered $4.6 Million Through Tornado Cash]

In July 2024, leading DeFi protocol Curve Finance suffered a major security breach. According to data from PeckShieldAlert, the attacker moved approximately 1,500 ETH (approximately $4.6 million) to a new address 0xc772…7475 and laundered it through TornadoCash, causing widespread concern.

At the same time, the address 0x929d…2af1 was also liquidated for approximately 456 WETH (worth approximately $1.34 million). These incidents highlight the ongoing challenges and risks in the DeFi industry, underscoring the need for strong security measures and monitoring systems.

The attackers involved in address 0xc772…7475 have laundered over 1,500 ETH (approximately $4.6 million worth), using TornadoCash to hide transaction details, making it more complicated to track and recover the stolen assets. This money laundering operation has sparked calls for increased regulation of privacy services within the crypto industry.

The Curve Finance vulnerability exposed potential vulnerabilities in DeFi protocols. @Cyvers_ promotes its address reputation product, which is designed to help users detect the source of malicious funds and enhance security. Interested parties can schedule a demo to learn more.

This incident highlights the importance of crypto users remaining vigilant. Cyvers Alerts noted that an address poisoning transaction occurred in which the victim mistakenly sent 56,600 USDC to a malicious address, and the attacker quickly exchanged the stolen funds for DAI and deposited them into Railgun, further hampering recovery efforts. This incident reminds users to carefully check transaction details and verify the legitimacy of the address to prevent similar incidents from happening.

#鴉快訊 $CRV @Curve Finance