Eight iron rules in the currency circle will help you leap into the ranks of the big sharks!

In-depth analysis of the survival rules of the currency circle, eight golden rules will help you counterattack and become the king! Those who despise it are free to do as they please, but wisdom should not be underestimated.

1. Refined fund management: funds are divided into five equal parts, and stable operations can control losses and increase profits even if five mistakes and one win.

2. The wisdom of following the trend: In the currency circle, the trend is king. Going against the trend is like sailing against the current, and following the trend is like riding the wind and waves.

3. Beware of the temptation of skyrocketing: short-term skyrocketing hides risks, rational analysis, and avoid blindly chasing highs.

4. MACD golden cross and silver cross guidance: MACD accurately captures the buying and selling points, golden cross buys, dead cross reduces, technology is king.

5. Increase positions when profitable, stay away from the trap of covering positions: increase positions when profitable, do not cover positions when losing, operate rationally, and avoid deep traps.

6. Trading volume is the mirror of the market: low-level volume breakthrough, capital influx; high-level stagnation, withdrawal signal

7. Focus on the upward trend: the trend is upward, holding positions is worry-free, multi-period moving averages resonate, and capture the main upward wave.

8. Review and improve, grasp the overall situation: review weekly, summarize experience, the market is impermanent, and learning is endless, so that you can win in the long run. Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my personal profile or pinned articles, search for the analysis of the copycat points 👉 public number: Encrypted Riding the Wind #币圈段子 #币圈大佬 #币圈 #热门话题 #TON