The road of Bitcoin is longer than you think. As long as you are brave enough, just buy it!

1. In the future, you will find that people don’t need so much money in their lifetime. 5 Bitcoins are enough.

2. Bitcoin itself has no risk. The biggest risk of Bitcoin is that you think there is a risk, but you don’t hold it.

3. Looking at Bitcoin’s K-line again in a few years, the whole 2024 is just a straight line.

4. What is the ability to see 80,000 when it is 65,000? Seeing 200,000 when it is 65,000 is the big picture.

5. Institutional purchase of Bitcoin is not a good thing for Bitcoin. Bitcoin being bought by institutions is a good thing for institutions.

6. I don’t think the US dollar will become Bitcoin’s opponent. The goal of surpassing the US dollar seems too small for Bitcoin.

7. In the future, you will find that you don’t care about the quality of life at all. Holding Bitcoin in hand is the highest quality of life.