
⚠️⚠️Facing the current market "garbage time" trend, the heat on the chain has become a key indicator, and it is particularly wise for small funds to try out high-heat projects. In the quiet secondary market, the modular sector has emerged as a new force,

$DYM, $SAGA, and $TIA are in a three-legged tripod, which may indicate a new favorite of capital.

Modularization has great potential and has not been baptized by capital frenzy. Its value of integrating public chain technology, reducing costs, and promoting ecological prosperity cannot be ignored. This collective rise is not the power of retail investors, but a sign of capital intervention. Modularization may become a new narrative to break the deadlock.

In terms of selection strategy, the three projects have their own advantages. $TIA was strong in the early stage, and the dealer's strength was fully demonstrated, but attention should be paid to the distribution of chips and the upper locked-in disk; $SAGA and $DYM touched short-term pressure in the rebound, and the subsequent breakthrough strength will be the key. Considering the balance between investment returns and risks, it is recommended to adopt a diversified investment strategy, with $TIA as the main (60%), supplemented by $SAGA and $DYM (20% each), focusing on their respective breakthrough performances, flexibly adjusting positions, and capturing the rise of modular sectors.

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