Cryptocurrency safety tips: Avoid legal troubles caused by withdrawals, circumvention, security risks, etc. $BTC $ETH $WIF

1. Avoid small places: Don't withdraw money easily in small places. Taxation, industry and commerce and other departments in small counties, towns, and districts, and even gangsters, will target you and force you to pay or invest.

2. Reasonably control the withdrawal amount:

• In first-tier cities, it is safer to withdraw between 50 million and 200 million yuan.

• In second-tier cities, it is safer to withdraw between 5 million and 50 million yuan.

• In third- and fourth-tier cities, it is okay to withdraw between 3 million and 10 million yuan.

• In county towns and villages, bank card withdrawals should not exceed 1 million yuan.

3. Use a crypto wallet: If the amount exceeds the above amount, try to store it in a crypto wallet or on Binance Exchange to avoid being targeted.

Eight sentences to avoid legal troubles

When facing a legal investigation, keep the following eight sentences in mind, which can help you a lot at critical moments:

1. Interrogation requires more than two people: When being interrogated, at least two police officers are required to be present.

2. Remember the police information: Try to remember the name, police number, appearance and physical characteristics of the interrogating police so that family members or lawyers can follow up on the progress of the case.

3. Record the interrogation information: Remember the location and start and end time of the interrogation.

4. Talk less and listen more: Try to talk less during the interrogation, and have the right to refuse to answer questions that are not related to the case (except for reporting clues to other people's crimes).

5. Carefully review the transcript: After completing the transcript, carefully review the content to ensure that it is consistent with what you said, otherwise you have the right to request modifications until the content is completely consistent before signing.

6. Do not prove your guilt: In public prosecution cases, the responsibility of proving the defendant's guilt lies with the procuratorate. Therefore, do not prove your guilt during the interrogation, especially when the police accuse you of money laundering or gambling. Do not plead innocent, just state the facts.

7. Ensure rest and food: The necessary rest time and food should be guaranteed during the interrogation.

8. Do not believe in promises easily: Do not believe in any promises, such as "you can go back as long as you tell me" or "you will be fine if you pay a certain amount of money". These promises may not be reliable.