Dear cryptocurrency enthusiasts, hold on to your seats, because something big is about to happen! 👀💥

Did yesterday's news catch your attention? The German government actually sold a large amount of Bitcoin on the spot market and transferred 3,100 Bitcoins to exchanges in just one hour. This is not a small amount, with a total value of up to 178 million US dollars! 😲

In order to delve into the logic and meaning behind this, let's first have some background knowledge. Please look at the chart below, which records in detail the changes in the purchasing power of the euro from 2000 to 2020. From the data, we can see that 1 euro in 2000 only had a purchasing power of 1.4 euros in 2020, which means that the euro has depreciated by as much as 40% in the past 20 years! 📉 This was the case before the epidemic, so after the epidemic, with the massive money printing by central banks around the world, how serious will the depreciation of currency value be? 🌊

Let's go back to the topic of the German government selling Bitcoin. Against the backdrop of currency devaluation, they chose to exchange Bitcoin for Euros. This operation logic is indeed puzzling. 🧐We all know that Bitcoin is known as digital gold and is a weapon against inflation. In the tide of currency devaluation, holding Bitcoin should be a wise move. So, what is the reason for this wave of operations by the German government? Is it fiscal pressure? Economic policy adjustment? Or a strategy that we cannot guess? 🔑

Perhaps only people within the German government can truly understand the reasons. However, we don't have to rush. Although we are not insiders, we have enough time and curiosity to wait for the answer. 🕰️Before that, all we can do is stay vigilant and pay close attention to market dynamics, because the next market turning point may be waiting for us not far away. 🔍

This is a time full of variables, and every government decision may become a vane of the market. The German government's decision to sell Bitcoin has undoubtedly aroused widespread attention and speculation in the market. As a part of the market, we also need to remain sensitive and alert in order to seize every possible opportunity. ✨The current market is volatile. Whether you are keen on Heyue or spot, you can check the introduction to find me. After the sharp drop in the market, I am also optimistic about several potential coins and ready to lay out.

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