The bottom is often bought, not waited for.

The year before last, you wanted to buy the bottom within 10,000, last year you wanted to buy the bottom within 20,000, at the beginning of this year you wanted to buy the bottom within 30,000, in the first half of the year you wanted to buy the bottom within 40,000, and after June you wanted to buy the bottom within 50,000. #btc70k

Now you are given the opportunity of 50,000, and you are looking at 40,000; if it really reaches 40,000, you will still look at 30,000. If it reaches 30,000, you will still wait for 20,000. When it reaches 20,000, you should be thinking about zero.

I am not advising anyone to buy the bottom, but I question the one-sided view that if it falls below one point, it will fall below another point, and if it rises above one point, it will rise above another point.

In the current situation, it is rogue to talk about ups and downs without considering macro factors, liquidity and user sentiment. #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币

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