1. Leave when you make a lot of money, take a rest, or travel around the world to relax.  

2. If you lose more than 10% in a row, be sure to find out the reason for the loss to avoid getting stuck.  

3. If you are doing short-term trading, don't trade if there is any ambiguity. Such opportunities are most likely to cause losses.  

4. Don't follow up if the increase exceeds 50%. Often such opportunities are traps. It is easy to get stuck when buying.  

5. After a continuous surge, don't be jealous of the high volume. It is usually a lure to buy more. Control your emotions and don't buy.  

6. Buy low when weak and buy when strong.  

7. Don't add positions if you don't understand the situation and are not 100% sure. It is safe to build positions in batches at low levels.  

8. Operate the currency you want to buy in a familiar mode to make risk-free money.  

9. Don't do callback transactions below the weekly line to avoid heavy losses from early intervention.