Twelve years later, if you are given a chance to travel back to today, will you desperately hoard Bitcoin?


Someone bought 149 Bitcoins for more than 80,000 yuan twelve years ago, and only took them out now

It has increased by more than a million times, I am crying, why didn't I have this awareness at that time!!!

A well-known address that has been inactive since 2013 has been reactivated, containing 149 Bitcoins, according to the report. The wallet was originally worth $81,667, and is now worth a staggering $8.6 million, an increase of 10,419%, due to Bitcoin's exponential growth over the years.

These reactivated addresses (including two addresses identified as 16vRqA and 1DUJuH, each containing 500 BTC) resumed operations within a few days of each other. As a large number of Bitcoins have been transferred after years of inactivity, this recent activity has shifted attention to the potential market impact. For example, another address that had been dormant for 5.5 years transferred 8,000 BTC to Binance, indicating that the market is volatile.

In one transaction, a wallet that had not been used for nearly 12 years moved 500 BTC to multiple new addresses. The initial purchase of these bitcoins dates back to July 14, 2012, when the total value was less than $4,000. The current value of these bitcoins is just under $35 million, but the identity of the parties involved remains undisclosed.

Another notable event was the consolidation of 2,000 bitcoins mined in 2010 into a single wallet. These bitcoins were originally worth about $600 and are now worth about $140 million. CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju said these movements could indicate a "sell-side liquidity crisis," which could be driven by demand for new Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S. market.

Feelings are everywhere, perhaps now is the opportunity. Ten years later, some people still feel that why didn't they buy more Bitcoin ten years ago?

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