$BONK 's short position is not bad!

In such a market, people are too impetuous. They can't hold on to an order, so how can they make money!

If you play by yourself without setting a stop loss, will you feel comfortable holding on until the position is about to burst?

If an order is lost, there will be more opportunities later. Timely stop loss is always an indispensable step in trading!

Follow the old iron of bonk short, you can stop profit in batches, and set the stop loss position to the boarding price for the rest. This is the correct way to open a contract. VIP has many passwords. This market is different! The next second it will soar, and the next second it may plummet!

Haven't you figured out the trend of the market for two or three months?

Pay attention to the latest developments of Dabai in time, don't miss the password to make money!

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