The seed breaks out of the soil, without predicting the wind, rain or sunshine. Action is the only way, and only practice can reveal the future.

The overall structure of Bitcoin is still in a weak downward trend. You can first pay attention to the interval of "58000 to 58500 to 58900" to chase the empty position, and set the target at "56000 to 56500 to 57000", and defend 59000.

Although Ethereum has rebounded in the short term, the continuity is insufficient, and the downward trend structure has not been affected. The main structure is still in a short-term form. Ethereum can refer to "3070 to 3095 to 3120" to chase the empty position, the target is "2960 to 3000", and the defense is 3125.

The road to trading is like climbing a peak. Every step of persistence is getting closer to a more beautiful scenery. Believe in your choice, and the future will surely be brilliant! #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #ASI代币合并计划 #BTC走勢分析 #ETH收益