A quick overview of popular currency circles within 3 hours (from CoinsRadar.net):

[Currency price fluctuations]

1. [Contracts] Within 3 hours, the following currencies fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

#1000sats +8.4% #BOND +3.79% #TIA +2.4% ;#XAI -3.4% STG -3.09% SEI -2.41%

[Spot] Within 3 hours, the following currencies fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

1000SATS +8.14% BOND +4.19% MBL +2.27% ;MDX -4.16% CTXC -3.78% XAI -3.62%

[Important information]

1. Analysis: German law enforcement agencies' sale of Bitcoin is not an investment strategy, but a standard criminal investigation procedure

2. Bitcoin miner TeraWulf announced plans to expand Bitcoin mining and artificial intelligence operations

3. BlackRock's spot Bitcoin ETF IBIT had a net inflow of $121.3 million yesterday

4. ARKB had a net inflow of $43.3 million yesterday

5. Uniswap Labs Chief Legal Officer: Urge the US SEC not to proceed with its proposed rulemaking

6. ZKsync releases first version of governance procedures

7. Bitwise CCO: Ethereum ETF "is about to be completed", SEC is open to other funds

8. K33 Research analyst: Q3 is usually the weakest period for Bitcoin returns

9. 15,423 ETH transferred from unknown wallets to Coinbase institutions

10. SOL fell below $140 #内容挖矿

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