In the currency circle trading, there is a taboo called "resistance to orders".

Resistance to orders means that when the transaction is unfavorable, you are unwilling to stop loss in time, but choose to continue to hold with a fluke mentality, hoping that the market can reverse. But doing so will often only cause the loss to continue to expand, beyond the originally bearable range, seriously affecting the safety of funds.

Moreover, resistance to orders will also affect the trading mentality, making people fall into anxiety and entanglement, and it is difficult to make rational judgments. More importantly, resistance to orders may make you miss other better trading opportunities because funds are occupied on losing orders.

So how to avoid holding orders?

First of all, strictly implementing stop-loss strategies is the key to avoiding holding orders. Set a reasonable stop-loss point. Once the market trend reaches this point, you must decisively close the position to avoid further expansion of losses.

At the same time, it is crucial to maintain a rational and calm mentality, respect the market trend, and do not confront the market. In addition, it is also essential to continuously improve your trading skills and risk awareness. Learn to analyze market trends, master effective trading strategies, and improve the winning rate and profitability of transactions.

In trading, we must also learn to admit mistakes and adjust in time. When you find problems with your trading strategy, you should have the courage to admit your mistakes and adjust your strategy in time to avoid continued losses. $BTC