7.10 Wednesday, early trading of Bitcoin and Ethereum, operational ideas!

When you encounter setbacks, you have to understand that the beginning of a rise often extends from a certain point at a low point, because many times there is a way out when there is no retreat.

Judging from the 1 hour K-line of the market, the currency price has been running upward along the Bollinger Band track, and is now below the Bollinger Band track, basically in an upward channel! The two lines of MACD are running upward, and the momentum of the bull head is gradually increasing. The KDJ three lines are running upward, but the pressure above is relatively large, the upward trend has not been extended, and there is a downward pullback trend! The overall trend in the morning is still bullish, but there will be a downward retracement within a period of time. You can go short first and then go long, or you can wait until the retracement is in place before adding more!

Last night, my aunt's Duo order didn't have time to be released, but it was released around 3080. Although I didn't get so many points, overall it was still very good! The distance to 50,000 is getting closer and closer! Let's make it together!

7.10 Wednesday Operation Strategy:

Big pie, go long in the 57300 to 57800 area, target 59500, defend at 56500

Auntie, go long in the 3000 to 3050 area, target 3180, defend at 2950

Strategies are timely and timely. More guidance will make the stone plate more exciting. If you can’t grasp the direction yourself, you won’t be sure, ↑🚗! $BTC $ETH $BNB #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币 #美国6月非农数据高于预期