An in-depth analysis of the return of altcoins to zero. In the boundless sea of ​​​​blockchains, why do many altcoins eventually fall and return to zero? Let’s dig into its marrow and explore the secrets behind the four core driving forces. Primary driving force: Substitutability challenge of altcoins Beyond the boundaries of Bitcoin, the altcoin community generally faces a severe substitutability crisis. Ethereum, the bright star in the public chain field in the past, is now being chased by the outstanding performance, scalability and speed of rising stars such as SOL and TON, and its market position is shaky. This phenomenon profoundly reveals the cruel law of the blockchain field: any altcoin may be quickly marginalized when encountering more outstanding projects, and eventually disappear in the long river of history. Secondary driving force: the flood of projects under low barriers to entry. The barriers to entry for blockchain are staggeringly low, as if it has opened Pandora’s box. On e-commerce platforms, services such as white paper writing and quick project release are common, and the cost is extremely low. Coupled with the significant reduction in the opening capital threshold, blockchain projects have emerged like a tide, with the number surging to tens of thousands, and the growth momentum continues unabated. This disordered prosperity not only dilutes market resources, but also causes many copycat projects that lack innovative value to gradually sink, and the market value continues to shrink until it reaches zero. The third driving force: the hold-up dilemma after the bull market bubble. Many copycat projects have accumulated huge hold-up chips during the bull market carnival, and these heavy burdens have become heavy shackles for their subsequent development. Raising prices requires huge costs, and project parties often choose to evade responsibility and instead use public opinion building, news hype and other means to induce retail investors to take over in order to achieve their own relief. Therefore, many projects have suffered alarming declines after undergoing deep adjustments, making it difficult to regain their former glory. The ultimate driving force: rigorous screening of exchanges. Exchanges, as the showcase for blockchain projects, have a crucial impact on the fate of altcoins. For those "zombie coins" with low trading volume and long-term neglect, exchanges will mercilessly remove them from the shelves. This elimination mechanism, like a ruthless trial, has sentenced projects that lack market competitiveness and cannot create value for exchanges to death.When facing such risks, investors need to remain highly vigilant and stop losses in time to avoid becoming the next victim. In summary, the fate of altcoins returning to zero is the result of the interaction of multiple factors. In the wave of blockchain, only those projects that are brave enough to innovate, continuously improve project value, and win wide market recognition can ride the wind and waves, move forward steadily, and avoid repeating the same fate.#美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛