Hi guys, I am trader Zhu Yici. Today is Tuesday, July 9th. Bitcoin is fluctuating widely between 54,000 and 58,000, and the market direction is unclear.

Recently, affected by the German government's continued selling of Bitcoin, the market has occasionally staged a downward spike. Fortunately, the market has shown a strong ability to carry on. At present, the German government's selling has almost exceeded half, and the market reaction has gradually become desensitized.

There are two pieces of news worth noting this week. The first is the US CPI data released at 8:30 pm on the 11th, which will greatly affect the US interest rate cut process and is crucial to whether the interest rate can be cut in September; the second is that according to authoritative institutions, the US SEC is very likely to approve the application for Ethereum spot ETF this week, which is undoubtedly a major positive for the currency circle itself. I believe that Ethereum will usher in a rapid rise before and after the news is announced.

Back to my own trading, the ACE contract set a stop loss of 2.96 last night to lock in a profit of 8889u, and then took it back at 2.86, which is equivalent to doing a small T. The AI ​​contract has not moved, and I am still preparing to close the ACE contract before and after the announcement of the positive news of the Ethereum spot ETF, and then transfer the AI ​​contract back to the spot position, and use the profit of the ACE contract to start the contract sprint. At that time, the transaction operations and results will be announced in real time.

My current view on the market is that I am bullish before and after the Ethereum spot ETF is approved. The specific market reaction after it is actually implemented still needs to be observed. I am not blindly optimistic. I expect that the market will fluctuate after a sharp rise. The real winner will still be the US interest rate cut!

Hold on, brothers, and live till the violent bull market comes. Then we will get back our money with interest.