Many players have a tendency to like fantasy.

I used to be like this, fantasizing that I could find a 100x coin, invest 100,000 yuan, and then turn it into 10 million;

I fantasized that I could catch a 1,000x coin, invest 100,000, and it would be 100 million;

I even fantasized that I could encounter a super golden dog, with a 10,000x return, and 10,000 yuan could turn into 100 million.

Everyone has had similar experiences with contract trading. When the exchange sets the stop profit and stop loss, it will clearly tell you how much money you can make if the stop profit is successful.

However, many times, we only see potential profits and ignore potential risks. In the end, when the order cannot reach the stop profit target, either you run away with less profit or hold on until the position is blown up, and the result is very different from expectations.

Only after experiencing these twists and turns can you understand that realizing dreams requires down-to-earth efforts.

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The currency circle does have a miracle of wealth creation, there are 10,000x projects, 1,000x projects, and even more 100x projects. However, many people overlook an important fact: any project has a cyclical nature.

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