Bitcoin is a scam, why are so many people involved in it?

Yes, most people who don't have Bitcoin or are not in the circle at all, ask Lao Li what I am doing, I answer that I am playing Bitcoin, they will glance at me: Isn't this a pyramid scheme scam?

I usually answer like this: You can regard all the financial industries in the world as scams, and then study how to avoid the risks in them, and also dig up wealth. You are a person in society. If you don't want to be eliminated, you must keep up with the times. When this wind comes, seize the opportunity, fly with the wind for a while, and when most people recognize it, you land smoothly, that's all.

Well, they recognized it very much, turned around and went into the factory to screw in screws. It seems that they listened, but it seems that they didn't listen. I said it, but it seems that I didn't say it.

Why are there so many people playing virtual currency?

According to the cases around me, there are actually too many cases of losers counterattacking, but you ask yourself, if you didn't enter this industry, is it easier for you to earn 5 million by working for a lifetime, or to win 5 million by buying lottery tickets?

What I dare say is that you will never be able to keep 5 million yuan in your bank account with these two things in your lifetime.

But is it possible with virtual currency? I don't know if you can do it, but what I am sure of is that the probability of winning 5 million yuan by working or buying lottery tickets is greater than the probability of winning 5 million yuan by working part-time or buying lottery tickets.

One is completely impossible, and the other is infinitely possible. Which one do you choose?

Then why are there still so many people refuting me?

You have never seen me working 12 hours a night shift with a salary of 300 yuan a month;

You have never seen me working in a private house for 80 yuan a month;

You have never seen me eating instant noodles for one yuan;

Of course, you have never seen me buying strawberries for 80 yuan a pound to pick up the children of customers from school.

What you see now is that I write 250,000 words of industry articles every year, enter the WEB3 industry, get some results, and establish some industry rules.

Are you my self 20 years ago, running to tell me that Bitcoin is a scam?

Can you eat your fill first?

#IO    #NOT    #BOME    #BTC     #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥