There are many hot topics in EOS recently. Let's take a look: RAM rental platform is launched, there is an airdrop of 110,000 EOS, and users can deposit RAM to earn BTC. This time, 108 GB of RAM worth more than 140 million EOS will be attracted for use by BTC L2's exSat network. RAM is memory, with a constant total of 390 GB, just like mobile phones and computers must have memory. RAM is an indispensable strategic resource for the EOS chain. The price of RAM and RAMS has increased by more than 50 times in more than half a year. REX 2.0, a new token economic model, is launched, and it is expected that the first mine staking EOS will have a return of 50%+. Deposit RAM to earn BTC, go to the RAMS DAO platform; buy RAMS tokens or stake EOS to enjoy high annualized returns, go to the vault platform of the Defibox platform

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