Pay attention

The rotation market has begun

After some coins in the market rose for a wave, the dealer stopped pushing...

These funds began to flow to the weaker performing coins...

Therefore, some coins rose and some coins fell slightly.

If the coins you hold are not involved in the rotation, don't worry...

As long as the market can stabilize...

It will be the turn of the coins you hold in a few days.

The order of the rebound remains basically unchanged, except for some "monster coins":

The market rebounded first, leading Ethereum to follow;

Then BNB and SOL;

Then the coins in the Ethereum ecosystem, and SOL's MEME coin;

Then small-cap coins;

Finally, some lesser-known coins.

When trading on the left side at this time, be sure to set a stop loss...

Don't be greedy for too much profit, seize the opportunity to leave in time...

If you miss it without setting a stop loss, you may be in trouble if you fall slightly.

#BNB走势 #solana生态