🚀🚀Heavy positive news🚀🚀

🐈🐈The market is changing, but the prospects of Ethereum are still bright❕

🏹🏹What is coming may be a remarkable market breakthrough. Although some people doubt, history is often written by a few people✍️

, as Brother Cat🐈 expected, the market is moving steadily along the established trajectory...

Just yesterday, when the price of Ethereum hovered around 2950, ​​Brother Cat🐈 had taken decisive action and stood firmly on the long side.

Today, Brother Cat posted publicly again, firmly believing that Ethereum has the ability to break through the 3100 mark (the previous article clearly draws a picture)

and further attack 3200.

At present, the price of Ethereum is very close to 3200 points. Once it successfully breaks through 3200, we have reason to believe that it will move towards the high of 3500 points on July 1, bringing rich returns to friends who follow Brother Cat's orders!

I am Mao Ge, a fan of wave theory. If you are not confident in short-term trading or are not familiar with wave operation, you can follow me and continue to update the most stable strategy in the currency circle. At the same time, you are also welcome to join us to get better investment guidance and protection. #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #美联储何时降息? #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $BTC $ETH $SOL