How many times leverage is generally used when playing contracts? Let's talk about it below.

How many times leverage is used depends on the following conditions:

1. Your risk preference

2. The contract currency

3. The size of the contract funds

4. Are you doing simple interest or compound interest

5. Determine the size of the market.

So it is meaningless for you to ask me how many times leverage to use. If you have a high risk preference, a small amount of funds, and want high returns, wait for an opportunity with a higher certainty, and how high the leverage can be based on the stop loss position, how can you make your first pot of gold if you don't do this.

My current state of order making is like this. First, observe the general trend. When I feel that there is a chance that the market may fluctuate by more than 30%, I will wait patiently. As long as there is a possibility of a turning point, I will enter the market first. If the market is in line with expectations, I will keep holding it and find the right opportunity to increase my position (here is a long-winded sentence. If finding the turning point of the market is a matter of luck, then increasing positions is completely a technical job. When to increase positions and how much to increase. You must be particularly cautious. It is better not to increase positions if you are not sure. Because it is easy to affect your mentality if you increase positions incorrectly.) If the market does not go as expected, stop loss, hedge or stop profit, and wait for the next opportunity. There is a disadvantage to doing this, that is, it is often possible to get a profit of 5 points or even 10 points. The orders are taken out at the cost price. Sometimes I am busy for a month and keep riding a roller coaster and stop loss. However, as long as you do a wave of market right, you will make a lot of profit.

I think the best way for small funds to grow is to take the money that can afford to lose and wait patiently for the opportunity with the largest profit and loss ratio, at least 1:10 or more. There are so many exchanges with high leverage now. Just open a 40-fold or 50-fold leverage and stop loss when the position is liquidated. If you are wrong, wait for the next time. If you are right, you can increase your position with profit. As long as you can catch a wave of market, the principal can be multiplied by at least ten or twenty times. Instead of frequent short-term trading, which will only make your pattern smaller and smaller, and you can only see the fluctuation of a few points.

Finally, if you are a pure novice, and you are excited to rush into the currency circle when you see BTC hit a record high before, then I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the currency circle with me, and improve your basic skills. Laying a solid foundation can go further.

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