What happened? BTC suddenly rose by more than 40% this year?

Will Bitcoin rise to 1 million?

According to a rough estimate, the market price of BTC spot has soared by more than 40% this year. The reason that many people are familiar with is that the halving of the number of Bitcoin spot and the approval of spot ETFs have allowed more funds to be invested in the Bitcoin market to stimulate the price to soar.

But many people have not seen that: at present, the general overvaluation of US dollar assets; the Fed's upcoming interest rate cut policy, and the shaky US dollar index, have allowed a large amount of excess liquidity to seek more investment options, coupled with some of the rebalancing funds flowing into the Chinese real estate market and Japan's carrying transactions. These huge amounts of capital have recently chosen Bitcoin, making this alternative variety a hot asset in an instant. From this logic to understand the Bitcoin craze, you will find that the bubble expansion of this market may have just begun.

If Trump is really elected president this year, then the US dollar index is likely to have a sharp rebound.

His trade protectionism will bring great confusion to the predicted trend of the global market. If this possibility really occurs, don't worry, I will have a new analysis for you at that time.

In any case, Bitcoin will not return to zero. As for 1 million, I think it is a matter of time.

And we will have different ideas after going through some stages:

The first stage, #BTC1000u, we claim that it is a scam.

The second stage, #BTC5000u, maybe it is a new technology, let's wait and see.

The third stage, #BTC15000u, maybe we should buy a little, but this thing has fallen too hard, let's wait and see.

The fourth stage, #BTC 70000u, is already the peak of the bull market, wait for the bear market to fall back and buy some

The fifth stage, #BTC10wu, maybe I should have bought Bitcoin at the beginning, but it's too late now.


Finally, if you are a pure novice, and you are excited to rush into the currency circle when you see BTC hit a record high before, then I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the currency circle with me, and make up for your basic skills. Only by laying a solid foundation can you go further.

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