The market has warmed up today.

Are you still watching the show?

Let's take a look

📈 Today's trend indicator: Analysis of the digital currency market 🌈

BTC is changing rapidly, and is looking for a breakthrough in the box oscillation!  🚀

At present, BTC is leisurely hovering in a 4-hour box oscillation range, which makes people wonder: when can it break free and fly high? 🤔 The primary focus is whether it can stand firmly on the key threshold of 58,500. Once this line of defense is effectively broken, the 60,000 mark like a sea of ​​stars may be within reach! 🌟

Current price direct hit: BTC is currently sitting near 57,600, waiting for the opportunity.

Upward resistance: 58,500 and 60,000, two peaks to be climbed.

Lower support: 55000 and 53200, solid backing.

ETH goes hand in hand, oscillating in sync!  💃

ETH's market is exactly the same as BTC, and it is also immersed in the 4H level box oscillation. The two seem to have a tacit understanding and dance a market volatility dance together. 🎶

Current price express: ETH's current price is 3075, ready to go.

Upward challenge: 3100 and 3230, two ceilings to be broken.

Bottom line: 2900 and 2800, guarding a safe haven.

SOL continues to oscillate, hourly level signals lead the way!  ⏰

For SOL, its trend still maintains an oscillating mode. Investors are advised to follow the 1-hour level signals and flexibly respond to subtle changes in the market. 🔍

Current price overview: SOL is currently trading around 142.8, looking for opportunities in fluctuations.

Upper pressure: 145 and 150, short-term resistance appears.

Support below: 130 and 125, a solid defense line should not be underestimated.

Operation Guide: Strategies vary from person to person, be flexible and adaptable!  🔧

Faced with the ever-changing market, each investor's operation strategy should be unique. Whether it is a radical breakthrough or a steady defense, the key is to combine personal risk preferences with market analysis to make the most suitable choice for yourself. 💡

Remember, the market is risky and investment should be cautious. Sailing in the ocean of digital currency, I hope every sailor can find his own treasure! 🏴‍☠

#BTC☀ #ETC正在申请ETF #sol趋势 #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币