The#AIproject @HebbiaAI, which was led by#A16Zwith $130 million in Series B funding, is so useful. As a company driven by#Web3research, we need to work with a lot of data and tables on a daily basis, but when feeding them to GPT4o, the output effects and summaries are often unsatisfactory, and it is difficult to achieve the desired effects in actual scenarios.

But @HebbiaAI has done it. Feeding it with redundant non-standard data and tables, it can effectively extract and display the desired effects, and show the results and market conclusions you need through natural language. This has greatly improved the efficiency of investment research and the accuracy of data analysis.

It is conceivable that in the future, AI intelligent agents will achieve fully intelligent output for many of our process-based and SOP-standard modules, including monthly macro data risk control assessments, automated rebalancing strategies for investment positions, rapid analysis of investment portfolios, and so on.

In the past, data processing often required Excel functions. The emergence of @HebbiaAI has greatly improved efficiency. Data processing that used to take 3-4 hours now only takes 5-10 minutes. You can also use natural language to prompt related questions in the data table:
For example:
1. In the summary table, which tokens will be unlocked in large quantities in the next 2-3 months, what negative impact will it have on the currency price, and what should be paid attention to in the investment portfolio in the table. It can give better output prompts

2. FTX creditors are recovering 118–142% of their claims. How?

3. Which companies among the Nasdaq 100 are involved in the field of AI and whose R&D investment in the field of AI has accounted for more than 10% of the company's profits in the past three years? List these companies one by one.

@HebbiaAI is really too low-key, and everyone must know about it. AI makes the world a better place

It’s urgent to plan for AI, invest in AI, and learn AI!#内容挖矿