#今日市场观点 Here are the five most watched news in the cryptocurrency circle in the past 24 hours:

1. Trump's Republican platform promised to end the suppression of cryptocurrencies, which may have a profound impact on the US market.

2. Dubai's blockchain platform launched a new smart city project to achieve paperless operation by improving process efficiency and transparency, while strengthening transaction security and regulatory mechanisms.

3. Paxful co-founder faces legal sanctions for failing to implement an effective anti-money laundering program. He is suspected of operating a money transfer business without permission and may face up to five years in prison.

4. Hackers' attack on CeFi platform caused losses of up to $1.4 billion, highlighting the severe security challenges of centralized platforms.

5. Australia's ASX approved the second spot Bitcoin ETF launched by DigitalX, providing investors with a more direct and transparent investment channel.

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