Cronos Project Overview

Cronos, as a bright new star in the blockchain ecosystem, is leading the new trend of self-custody, decentralized finance and Web3 games. Its native token $CRO has accumulated a market value of 2.28 billion US dollars, and the unit price is stable at 0.0853 US dollars, showing strong market potential and community support. Now, the Cronos test network is launched, marking an important step towards the mainstream market!

Airdrop feast, don't miss it

With the launch of the testnet, Cronos has carefully prepared an airdrop event, with generous rewards for early participants, including Cronos zkEVM NFT and other surprise gifts. This is not only a journey to try out the technology, but also a golden opportunity to increase wealth!

How to participate in the airdrop event

Step 1: Add Cronos Testnet

  • Open your wallet app

  • Select "Network"

  • Click Add Network and enter the following information:

    • Name: Cronos zkEVM Testnet

    • RPC URL:

    • Chain ID: 282

    • Symbol: zkTCRO

    • Block explorer:

Step 2: Get zkTCRO test coins

  • Visit:

  • Enter your wallet address

  • Click “Get zkTCRO”

Step 3: (Optional) Obtain Sepolia Network ETH

  • Visit:

  • Enter the address and click “Send Me ETH”

Step 4: zkTCRO bridge from L1 to L2

  • Visit:

  • Enter the required amount to complete the bridging process

Step 5: Use Galxe to complete tasks and earn points

  • Visit:

  • Complete all assigned tasks

  • Receive points and airdrop rewards

​Join Cronos to create a better future

The launch of the Cronos testnet is not only a milestone in technological progress, but also a new starting point for every blockchain enthusiast to realize their dreams. Here, you will experience the infinite possibilities of the decentralized world and have the opportunity to reap rich rewards by participating in airdrop activities. Let us join hands with Cronos to open a new chapter in the Web3 era and create a brilliant future together!

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