#comp $COMP

COMP market analysis today:

The 1-hour level has issued a purple signal, indicating that the market will have a specific trend in the short term.

The 2-hour level clearly indicates that the bears are dominant, showing that the medium-term trend is bearish.

The 4-hour level confirms that the bulls have the upper hand, which has become the main focus of observation today.

Today, we need to pay attention to the price level around 46.69. If the market runs below this price, the short trend at the 4-hour level will continue. The target prices below are:

46.07, 44.91, and 44.17.

If the market rebounds, the initial target price above is set as:

48.17, 48.95, and 49.94.

The follow-up communication of the cottage point needs to be analyzed 𡝗Search 👉 Public/Account: Encrypted Riding the Wind

If the rebound fails to effectively break through any of the above prices, the market is expected to continue to maintain a short trend. It is recommended that short-term traders pay close attention to the market dynamics and flexibly adjust their trading strategies.

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