🚨Emergency alert! ETH price fluctuations, is it the dawn of a rebound or the abyss of continued decline❓🌪

My previous prediction that ETH price would fall to the key support level of 2809 and then rebound to 3081 has been perfectly realized. Even yesterday, the price once climbed to 3097, exceeding our expected target. In this short rebound, we successfully captured more than 110 points of profit. 💰

Last night, the ETH price fell to around 2890 again, but then rebounded quickly. From the current situation, ETH has shown signs of rebounding technically after experiencing a sharp drop of 1167 points in two months. Although the negative factors on the market news have been basically released, the Fed's interest rate cut decision is still an uncertain factor and may become a black swan in the market🦢

Therefore, my current strategy is to grab the rebound in the short term and enter and exit quickly, focusing on the two key support and pressure levels of 2810 and 3099. In the past two days, Maoge's strategy was forced to stop loss, which brought a small loss of 50 points to fans and friends. I apologize!

Last night, after ETH dropped to 2890, Maoge decisively carried out long operations at 2950 points. The current price has reached 3076, and our profit has reached an amazing return rate of 213.56%.

I am a wave theory enthusiast of Maoge. Real-time strategy data and opinions are updated every day. Remember to pay attention...

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