7.9 Market Analysis

BTC was affected by the German news yesterday, and rose 3 points in a short period of time, and then fell back. The market temporarily entered a repair market, and will fluctuate and repair between 53500-60685. If it falls below 54772, there is a risk of sliding to 51500. Only when it rises above 60685 can the bulls regain the initiative

At present, it is more about watching and less about doing. You only need to reach the key position to make a decision

On-chain information sharing:

1. German Btc changes hands quickly and frequently. Today, 2840 Btc were received from Dex, and 274,000 Btc are still held (it seems that they want to sell all of them in the next period of time?)

2. Messi INS released a post about Meme coin $water's news caused its token to surge (recently, many celebrities have posted meme-related information)

3. The gas on the Btc chain has been reduced, and the rune 0 continues to be mined (earning gas price difference)

4. The fear index on the chain is 27, and market confidence has been frustrated

5. Wld will start to release and unlock in two weeks

#BTC下跌分析 #WLD🔥🔥🔥 #德国政府转移比特币