
Recently, the refreshing novel "The Biography of Sun Ge" serialized by Weibo celebrity "Xicheng Aunt" has become popular on Weibo. It describes the life journey of Tron founder Sun Yuchen from birth to studying at Peking University and then to making a fortune. Even Sun Yuchen himself said it was very interesting and even gave a reward of 50,000 RMB...

Among the celebrities in the field of cryptocurrency, Justin Sun, the founder of Tron and head of Huobi (HTX) Exchange, has received mixed reviews from the community. Some call him a young genius, while others jokingly call him "Sun Ge", a habitual offender of cutting leeks... He can be said to be a controversial figure.

Weibo celebrity wrote "Biography of Sun Ge"

Recently, the internet celebrity "West City Auntie", who has 436,000 followers on Weibo, wrote a serialized novel titled "Biography of Sun Ge" specifically for Justin Sun, which reviewed all of Sun's "great achievements" from his birth, how he got into Peking University by taking shortcuts, how he went to study in the United States, how he entered the cryptocurrency circle and made a fortune, and how he won the Buffett lunch, which attracted the attention of many netizens.

Some excerpts are as follows:

But how could someone who was eliminated from the New Concept Writing Competition three times in a row (in the third year of junior high school, the first year of high school, and the second year of high school) possibly win the first prize? But Sun Ge didn't care about that, he was going to participate!

How can you not let me participate? But at that time he didn't have much time for literature, so he decided to try his luck and turn his bicycle into a motorcycle. So he sent all his rejected articles to the organizer of the New Concept Writing Competition, Mengya, without changing a single word.

Perhaps it was this experience that made Sun Ge realize that the world was a makeshift team before he was 18. These three eliminated articles, without changing a single word, actually sent Sun Ge to the semi-finals!

— Excerpt from Sun Ge's Biography 1

In 2015, Jack Ma founded Lakeside University, and Justin Sun served as a representative of the blockchain industry. With the recommendation letter from DG Capital founding partner Xiong Xiaoge, he became a student of the first batch.

From then on, Sun Ge would always call himself "Jack Ma's youngest disciple", as if he was Jack Ma's last disciple, the one who was born with a unique talent that Jack Ma had spotted from the crowd. He kept calling him this label every day, every month, and every day, and it finally drove Jack Ma crazy. After repeated calls from Alibaba's public relations department, he finally calmed down a little.

— Excerpt from Sun Ge's Biography III

Sun Ge treats everyone equally in the matter of cyber charity. When NetEase dismissed a sick employee, Sun Ge immediately offered to cover the medical expenses; when Xiaopeng Motors owners were seeking redress, he immediately wrote a virtual check of 10 million yuan and supported the owners on Weibo; even when Sicong was restricted from driving, he did not forget to lend a hand, not only raising the price to 3.7 million yuan, but also helping Sicong pay off his 150 million yuan debt.

The only time he was a little more vigilant was when Lao Luo was performing the prequel to "True Return". Although he took out the 1 million yuan inherited from his ancestors as before and expressed his willingness to pay 1 million yuan to hire him as the spokesperson for his company, he added a sentence at the end, "If the effect is outstanding", he is willing to invest another 10 million yuan later. — Excerpt from Sun Ge's Biography 6

In June 2019, Sun Ge bid the highest price ever for lunch with Buffett, but on July 23, he announced that he would be hospitalized for "kidney stones" and stood up Buffett. On the original lunch date, July 25, Sun Ge, who couldn't get out of bed, posted a Weibo post saying that he deeply reflected on his past words and deeds, felt deeply guilty for his excessive marketing and hype, and apologized to the public, the media, and regulators.

— Excerpt from Sun Ge's Biography IX

Justin Sun paid 50,000 yuan to Xicheng Auntie

Many netizens expressed their desire to read, love to read, and addiction to the article written by Xicheng Auntie, and even attracted many envious and admiring eyes:

It turns out that people are different from each other... The lower class people can see the CPU smoke just by reading the story...

I can’t imagine what great things such people would do if they worked in the system…

It would be great if this biography could be made into a TV series.


Justin Sun personally gave the reward

Interestingly, Justin Sun himself also expressed his support on the social platform X yesterday (8), saying, "I have read the novel, it is very exciting." He also announced that he would pay the royalties to Xicheng Auntie:

There is an enthusiastic blogger @西城大妈 on Weibo who is very interested in me and serialized a novel based on my personal story on Weibo. I have read the novel and it is very exciting. Although the story in it has been processed, as a refreshing novel, I like reading it myself.

As a reader, I would like to pay Xicheng Auntie some royalties. Please give me the QR code...

Xicheng Aunt also confirmed the news later, saying that she had received 50,000 RMB in royalties from Sun Yuchen:

Comrades!!! Explosive news is here, Brother Sun has transferred the money, a total of 50,000!


However, Sun Yuchen also added that he would like to clarify some things:

Play is play, jokes are jokes, but I still want to clarify some things again to prevent the cool novel from misleading other readers about real events.

1. I personally believe that legality and compliance will always be the lifeline for the development of individuals and enterprises. We have always supported and cooperated with the requirements of regulatory agencies in every detail. I personally believe that regulatory requirements and business development are never in conflict. Regulatory requirements themselves are the only way for the long-term development of the business.

Second, when the global Web3 was first developed, there were no licenses and regulations in all walks of life, but the future of compliant licensed operations is definitely the future. Our businesses have obtained regulatory approvals and licenses in more than 20 countries, such as Japan, South Korea, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, Dominica, etc. The Web3 license was also officially issued in Hong Kong, China. I believe that the development of Web3 in China will also be bright.

Third, even the SEC, the regulatory agency with which we have filed civil lawsuits, has gradually realized that its regulatory thinking is outdated and outdated. This year, it approved the ETFs of Big Pie and Second Pie for the first time. I believe that our lawsuit with the SEC will eventually get a fair result. I think the misunderstandings during this period are the inevitable path for the development of the industry.

Fourth, for me personally, participating in the work of a diplomat is my personal hobby and childhood dream, just like my participation in space travel, charity luncheon auctions, and art collection. I did not expect it to be misinterpreted as other factors. At this moment, I am still serving in relevant diplomatic positions. The development of developing countries and the least developed countries has always been the most concerned topic of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. If we can use technological progress to help their development, it will be a great benefit. Maybe in the eyes of Weibo netizens, they are a mysterious organization, hard-core ruthless people, and a strange small country, but in fact, their citizens are just like us, ordinary people who hope to get rich through their hard work and live a happy and ordinary life.

Fifth, in developing overseas, my most firm value is patriotism. As a Chinese who is developing overseas, China's interests are always the highest priority. In these years overseas, my biggest experience is that Chinese people should unite. If Chinese people can't help themselves, how can we compete with opponents who are much stronger than me on the overseas stage? For our generation of Chinese, our destiny is to go all over the world and bring Chinese stories and Chinese values ​​to every corner of the world.

A story about myself and everyone. A hundred years ago, an American novelist named Fitzgerald wrote a novel called "The Great Gatsby". This story not only depicts the fictional story of Gatsby, but also is a microcosm of the Roaring Twenties in the United States. It is an allegory about the United States.

There are many similarities between China today and the United States a hundred years ago. On the one hand, China's national strength is growing rapidly, and technology is developing explosively, rushing blindly towards the world's number one throne. On the other hand, the social changes brought about by economic prosperity and the unprecedented complexity are waiting for us to adapt, write and record. My story is just like everyone else's, just a drop in the ocean of the times. But I believe that this story will definitely be more exciting than Gatsby's a hundred years ago.

Netizen: The ultimate utilitarian

Bruce J, a Chinese KOL on Twitter, said that after reading West Side Aunt’s novel, he commented that Justin Sun is an extreme utilitarian:

After reading Aunt Xicheng's serialized novel "Biography of Sun Ge", I think everyone's evaluation of Sun Ge is: a utilitarian who lives to the extreme.

You should not do business with such a person, because he is selfish and only cares about profit. You should not make friends with such a person, because he is selfish and forgets his principles when he sees profit.

But he later added that Sun Yuchen's life experience may be worth learning, because his ability to make a fortune is beyond the reach of ordinary people:

However, have you ever thought about this question: what made the once idealistic young literary man transform into the big shot he is today?

I think he has "got it". Sun Yuchen's life is a bug in the human code. His brain got it earlier than 99.9% of the people in the world. The most essential difference between the poor and the rich is the game of thoughts and consciousness. Wealth has always flowed from the hands of those who got it late to the pockets of those who got it early.

If I ask everyone in the cryptocurrency circle today, do you want to be Sun Ge? I think the answer is not whether you want to or not, but: I... can't, right?

Therefore, everyone should read this "Biography of Sun Ge" with a learning attitude, and see how the idealistic young man at that time tried his best, using the tricks he learned throughout his life, to wield the sickle to the fullest.

A person who is under 30 years old and can cut off Jack Ma internally and Buffett externally is destined to be written into history.