Last September, the TVL of the entire Ton ecosystem was less than 10 million US dollars. After 10 months, it reached 680 million US dollars and is still on the rise. With the increasing number of ecological projects and developers, it is predicted that an ecosystem of tens of billions will eventually be formed. If we use the TG ecosystem, this will be even larger.

Current funds are looking at Ton ecological projects, but there are only a handful of them that really understand traffic. Currently, many projects will be gradually launched before August. The projects that participate in August-September are unlikely to lose much. Those who believe in it will continue to look for projects to start or participate in IDO to get chips.

It is a good time to make money while European and American funds have not entered the market on a large scale.

The AI ​​explosion is the biggest topic of this round of delivery, including OpenAI's GPT4o, Google's Gemini, or Meta's Llama3. The biggest demand in AI competition is data, and the LLM model requires massive data as nutrients. But data privacy is now the core pain point of the current AI development. @Privasea_ai is from the parliament, sponsored by B Antou+, using FHE technology (fully homomorphic encryption) AI+DePIN network, worth paying attention to