7.9 Tuesday, early trading of Bitcoin and Ethereum, operation ideas!

When you encounter setbacks, you must understand that the beginning of a rise is often extended from a certain point at a low point, because there is often no way out before there is a way out.

Judging from the K-line of the big cake at 1 o'clock, the price of the currency is under great pressure after breaking through the middle track of the Bollinger band! The trend of the double head cannot be continued, and now there is a trend of stepping down to seek support! The MACD two-line trend is forward, and the momentum of the double head continues to increase. The current trend is not clear! KDJ three lines cross upward! However, the pressure from above is relatively large! The overall strontium in the morning is still dominated by the double head

Yesterday, a total of three orders were made. Although the number is not large, a total of more than 300 points of space were taken! Yingli is more than 18,000 u, and the series of challenging 50,000 u has basically been carried out for more than half, and I can finally breathe a sigh of relief! It feels good to eat both long and short!

7.9 Tuesday Operation strategy:

Big cake, long in the 56000 to 56400 area, target at 58000, defense at 54500

Auntie, long in the 2960 to 3000 area, target at 3100, defense at 2900

Strategies have timeliness, more guidance is more exciting, if you can't grasp the direction, you are not sure, ↑🚗! $BTC $ETH $BNB #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #美联储何时降息? #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币