7.8 Ethereum Market Summary

The highest and lowest prices of Ethereum yesterday were at the reference points given by Brother Ming, with the lowest price at 2821 and the reference support at 2825. ETH reached a high of 3098 yesterday. The normal pressure is drawn above the red line, which is around the highest reference pressure point of 3075 given by Brother Ming. If you are interested, you can review it yourself. If you follow Brother Ming's trading system, you will not be confused. You will know what to do at what position and what actions to take.

The next step is likely to be a period of shock. The shock market is prone to alternation between yin and yang. It is easy to make mistakes in short-term operations. Pay attention to it. Don't think that a rise will lead to a bull market again. After a rise, you need to be careful and be careful about falling again. I wish you all good fortune. #ETH #BTC #BTC☀