This recent correction has made many people despair, leading many people to think that it is a bear market. However, in my opinion, although the correction during this period is not small, compared with the bull market from 2015 to 2017, the correction of the bull market from 2019 to 2021 is really a small matter.

I wonder how many people have experienced the 94 incident in 2017? At that time, the whole market knew that it was a bull market, and they were all entering the market frantically, but they ushered in a 5-10 times correction.

In the bull market, eos rose from 3 US dollars to 30 US dollars, but it fell from 30 US dollars to 2 US dollars, which made many people panic and think that the bull market was gone. As a result, in just 2-3 months of correction, eos rose from 2 US dollars to 120 US dollars.

This is the correction of the bull market in 2017, so the old leeks who have experienced the previous corrections, and then experienced the current bull market, really feel that the current fluctuations are too small.

Therefore, the most important thing is to judge the trend. If the trend is gone and the bull market is over, you must clear your position decisively. If the trend is still there and the bull market is still continuing, it is just a correction in the bull market. If you are afraid of a further sharp drop because of a drop of dozens of points, and afraid that the bear market is coming, you will only fall before dawn.

When we can judge the trend and understand the current market trend and future direction, we will not be confused by the smoke bombs released by the main force.

#TON #币安7周年 #BTC突破7万大关