Why do you need to launder money? Can't you just spend it directly?

You think you don't need to launder money:

Drug dealer Xiao Ming made 2,000 yuan this month. He treated people to a meal and spent it in cash. He spent all the money on a meal in a more expensive restaurant.

Money laundering is needed in reality:

Drug dealer Xiao Ming makes 5 million yuan in drug money every month, all in cash, which is temporarily placed in the refrigerator. For daily consumption within 100,000 yuan, direct cash transactions are made. For consumption exceeding 100,000 yuan, especially large-scale consumption, such as buying cars, houses, and yachts, it is more troublesome.

Whether buying a car, a house, or a yacht, you take a large amount of cash to buy it. Even if they are regular merchants, even if they have no doubts about taking your money, as long as they record and pay taxes, your large cash transaction will enter the eyes of the government's money laundering monitoring.

Two or three million cash may let you go, but what if it is 30 million or 300 million? A phone call to the merchant, asking the buyer and checking the source of your funds, how can you prove that it is legal?

Isn't this exposed?

Besides, you only spend one million at a time. How much can you spend? How much money can a family of several people spend to maximize their material needs?

If you don’t launder the money, you can only buy a house, fill the refrigerator with money, and put all the money in the refrigerator.

The illegal funds in the refrigerator are just a pile of waste paper, which is not your money.