1. Is it the bottom or the mountainside after the big drop? The long and short forces are engaged in a tug-of-war

On July 5, the crypto market experienced another sharp drop, with BTC falling below $53,500. As of the time of writing, BTC has risen to $58,000. But whether it is the best time to buy the bottom is only known by the hand behind the market. Click to read

2. On-chain AI Agents: Architecture, Examples, and Notable Projects

The main purpose of current generative models is content creation and information filtering. However, recent research and discussion on AI agents (autonomous actors that use external tools to complete user-defined goals) suggests that AI could potentially unlock substantial benefits if it were provided with economic access similar to that of the Internet in the 1990s. Click to read

3. Miscellaneous: One-time sealing is the cornerstone of the RGB/RGB++ protocol

One-time seals are the cornerstone of the RGB/RGB++ protocol, which expands the capabilities of Bitcoin. But what exactly are Single-Use-Seals (SUS)? How do we implement it on the blockchain? Did you know that one-time seals already existed in the technical architecture of CKB before the RGB++ protocol was proposed? Click to read

4. Analysis of Ethereum development strategy: Expand L1 or develop Rollups?

I’m tired of all the negativity surrounding Ethereum and Rollups, the whole ecosystem is in a phase of crazy development right now. Those who only see what we have now and still think Ethereum should prioritize scaling L1…are you crazy? Click to read

5. Bankless: Understand the basic narrative of Base in one article

Coinbase's breakthrough L2 Base has quickly become one of the most prominent narratives on the chain in this cycle, solidifying itself as the most innovative in Ethereum. The rise and continued development of Base has increasingly become a hot investment topic that is difficult to ignore. Click to read