本文 Hash(SHA 1):4f5b9f376aa53c6cccca03a2ddd065a59550d73c

Number: Lianyuan Security No.003

On July 3, 2024, the bug bounty platform OpenBounty was revealed to have published unauthorized vulnerability reports on the public chain. This behavior is extremely irresponsible and disrespectful to every infrastructure and security researcher involved in the list. At the same time, because the total bounty value of all vulnerabilities this time exceeded 11 billion US dollars, it also triggered a certain discussion among the entire public group, making the bug bounty platform well-known to the public. The ChainSource Security Team conducted a security analysis and partial disclosure of this leak, hoping to help readers interpret the details and better understand the existence of bug bounty platforms.

Related Information

Vulnerability report information privately disclosed by OpenBounty on the SEHNTU public chain (the relevant proposals on Ethereum have now been deleted):



Bug Bounty/Exploitation

The vulnerability bounty platform in the on-chain world is very similar to the "hole-hunting" platform in traditional network security. The main purpose of both is to attract security researchers and white hat hackers to find and report vulnerabilities in the system through a reward mechanism, thereby improving overall security.

Their operating model is as follows in terms of timeline:

(1) Project-initiated challenges: Both blockchain projects and traditional network applications will launch vulnerability bounty programs on the platform.

(2) Vulnerability reporting: Security researchers and hackers detect project codes or systems and submit detailed reports after discovering vulnerabilities.

(3) Verification and repair: The project team verifies the vulnerabilities in the report and repairs them.

(4) Reward Distribution: After the repair is completed, the discoverer will be given a corresponding reward based on the severity and impact of the vulnerability.

Traditional network security mainly focuses on traditional IT vulnerabilities such as Web applications, servers, and network devices, such as XXS[1], SQL injection[2], CSRF[3], etc.

Blockchain security focuses more on smart contracts, protocols, and encrypted wallets, such as Sybil attacks[4], cross-chain attacks[5], and abnormal external calls.

Key Vulnerability Reports

In the vulnerability report No. 33 released by OpenBounty in violation of regulations, CertiK conducted an audit and penetration test on the SHENTU chain. From the proposal, we can see that this security test mainly aims to solve the security vulnerabilities and authorization restrictions within SHENTU.

But after reading the source code of SHENTU, I found a code that replaced the prefix, which replaced the prefix of CertiK with the prefix of SHENTU. Although it is understandable in development, and the domain name replacement is only for the convenience of adjustment, it does give people a feeling that CertiK is both a referee and an athlete.

In the other 32 vulnerability reports that SEHNTU has not deleted, we can see the problem description, voting parties, reward description and even the code of each system after the vulnerability update. The unauthorized disclosure of information can easily cause secondary damage to these systems, because each system has some historical problems or unique coding habits in the development process. For hackers, there is indeed a lot of room for the use of this information.

Noun interpretation

[ 1 ]XXS: The attacker injects malicious scripts into the web page and executes the scripts when the user browses the web page. It mainly includes reflected XSS, stored XSS, and DOM XSS.

[ 2 ] SQL injection: An attack method that inserts malicious SQL code into input fields (such as forms, URL parameters), and then passes it to the database for execution. This type of attack can lead to the leakage, modification or deletion of database data, or even gain control of the database server.

[ 3 ] CSRF: An attack method that uses a user's authenticated session to send unauthorized requests to a trusted site. The attacker tricks the user into visiting a specially crafted web page or clicking a link, thereby performing operations without the user's knowledge, such as transferring money or modifying personal information.

[ 4 ] Sybil attack: In a distributed network, an attacker creates multiple fake identities (nodes) in an attempt to manipulate the decision-making process in the network. The attacker creates a large number of fake nodes to influence the consensus algorithm, thereby controlling transaction confirmation or blocking legitimate transactions.

[5] Cross-chain attacks: Attackers can manipulate cross-chain transaction requests to bypass security checks in the contract and steal or tamper with cross-chain transaction data, such as the Poly Network cross-chain bridge attack.


In general, as OpenZepplin and HackenProof show, the management of bug bounties must be approved by the publisher. This is a legal and ethical issue that is the foundation of many independent developers' achievements.

Lianyuan Technology is a company focused on blockchain security. Our core work includes blockchain security research, on-chain data analysis, and asset and contract vulnerability rescue. We have successfully recovered many stolen digital assets for individuals and institutions. At the same time, we are committed to providing project security analysis reports, on-chain traceability, and technical consulting/support services to industry organizations.

Thank you for reading, we will continue to focus on and share blockchain security content.