What are those who made a fortune from virtual currency doing now?

I have a brother who liquidated BTC at the end of January 21, and now he still has some messy virtual currency in his hands. He officially retired at the age of 33, and worked as a C/C++ lecturer in a training class on weekends, and was free from Monday to Friday.

He was the first miner to join. At that time, a 25-year-old silly boy foolishly went to the free shipping area to knock on the offices of various factory owners, talked to them about the prospects of virtual currency, and sought support to build a small mining workshop. In the end, a boss really agreed to him. He started to liquidate in June 20, and watched the US dollars in his account become less and less real.

But he never all in, never borrowed with a credit card, and he didn't kneel down when he begged the factory owner. He has always maintained normal work. Virtual currency is essentially no different from stock trading. People who are really skilled in this industry don't bother to use blockchain in the vain money-making game.

The success of everyone in this industry is essentially luck, not technology. I hope every young person who is ready to start stock and currency trading can understand this.

Your life value lies in solving problems down to earth and experiencing the world, rather than being arrogant and empty in the virtual world. No matter what your reasons are, never go all in.

Investment is just one of the games you play to experience life. The success or failure of investment has nothing to do with your skills. First, your information source and second, your luck. To put it bluntly, the tricks of the nobles in the old era to oppress and exploit the common people have been given a noble new coat in the new era.

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